fistula treatment without surgery. If we talk about the fistula, it is very heavy, where it becomes very difficult to correct it. Fistula starts due to constipation. If your stomach is fine then there is about a 95% chance that you will not get fistula or piles.
fistula treatment without surgery
If we talk about fistula, then fistula can be cured from a natural base only, if you do surgery for it then it will be a very wrong decision on your part because fistula is formed like a pipe tunnel like abscess which opens up into a hole in the body.
A tunnel is formed inside and gets connected to the Intestine which becomes very dangerous and emerges as a fatal disease which turns into cancer and may even lead to your death.
But this happens when this disease has been going on for a long time. If you have had this disease for 1 year, 2 years or 5 years, then it does not matter much but you should consult a doctor in the meantime.
How we can cure anal fistula?
If you want to cure anal fistula then you will have to correct your constipation and along with that you will also have to correct your digestive system.
It is a big myth that fistula can be cured only by operation or thread method. Many fistulas have been cured by homeopathic medicine.
Fistula is a very dangerous disease which starts with constipation. If your digestion is not good then you can have constipation and in the beginning constipation,
gradually starts to form poisons in your body due to which dirt starts to get accumulated in the intestines and gradually after the decay starts, fistula is formed which is a boil, a pipe like drain which goes to the other side and opens at the other end of the latrine.
Homeopathy Medecine to cure Fistula
1.Nux Vomica
If you feel like going to the toilet again and again, like you have come back after freshening up and you immediately feel the need to go to the toilet again and you have fistula, then if you use Nux Vomica, your conception will be correct and along with that your fistula will be cured.
Along with this, you will also have to use homeopathic sulphur medicine in which if you use sulphur in the morning and Naksh Bhumika at night, then your fistula will be cured from the root.
2.Hydrastis Canadensis
If your digestion is not good and your stool sticks in the latrine then you should use this homeopathic medicine Hydrastis Canadensis q which will improve your digestion and if your problem started with constipation then your fistula will be cured from the root and will never occur again. You will have to take this medicine for about three to four months.
If we talk about fistula, then it is a very painful disease where you can get complaints of a lot of pain, pus and blood. Some people have a lot of pain in which blood does not come out, some have a lot of blood, some have both blood and pus come out, so it can be different.
What is the reason for the disease? When you go to a good homeopathic doctor and tell him that we have this problem, then the doctor will cure you well,
so please use this medicine which is given above, if your fistula does not get cured, then you can go to a reliable homeopathic doctor and get yourself treated and your fistula will be cured from the root because the treatment of this fistula or piles is very good in homeopathy itself.
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