how much protein in 1 egg

Do you know how much protein in 1 egg

Do you know how much protein in 1 Egg because we are eating sometime without counting egg because egg have huge quantity of Calories , Fat, Cholesterol  and protein that’s the reason we need to understand the nutrition of Egg.

We eat eggs with great pleasure because the yolk in it is very tasty and many nutrients are found in it.

how much protein in 1 egg?

Here we are going to talk about the nutritional value of eggs.

Nutrition Value
Calories 155
Total Fat 11 g
Saturated fat 3.3 g
Cholesterol 373 mg
Sodium 124 mg
Potassium 126 mg
Total Carbohydrate 1.1 g
Dietary fiber 0 g
Sugar 1.1 g
Protein 13 g
Iron 1.2 mg
Vitamin B6 0.063mg
Magnesium 10 mg
Calcium 50 mg
Vitamin D 2 mg
Cobalamin 1.1 mg


Protein to get muscle power

Whenever we talk about eggs, many gym goers eat eggs and fulfill their protein requirement. Before eating eggs, we need to know their protein value because the amount of protein in eggs is very high. An egg contains an average of 6 grams of protein whereas the amount of protein increases or decreases depending on the size of the egg.

High Calories to get more energy

The amount of calories in it is also very high, when we consume three four eggs with yolk, we get plenty of calories.

High Cholesterol but no risk Heart Disease

The amount of cholesterol in it is very high but there is no risk of heart disease because it increases the good cholesterol and reduces the bad cholesterol due to which there is no risk of heart disease.

Dietary fiber Zero

The amount of fiber in it is negligible, which increases the risk of constipation if it is consumed in large quantities. If you want to avoid its side effects, then you have to consume it in very limited quantities.

It does not harm those people whose digestive power is very good. Especially those who go to the gym have a good digestive power, due to which they consume it more because it contains a high amount of protein.

Calcium For Stronger bone

It contains a lot of calcium which is why it is very good for bone health. People who go to the gym prefer eating eggs for this reason.

Due to calcium deficiency, there is also a deficiency of vitamins in our body due to which our body starts getting weak and our body starts drying up.


Here we discussed how much protein is found in an egg and how many eggs should we eat so that we can get enough protein. And it should be consumed in limited quantity so that we do not have to face any problem. In this we also talked about vitamin calcium.

So you have to consume eggs in the right way and quantity.


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