chia seeds benefits

9 Proven Benefits using of chia seeds which you should know

chia seeds benefits which you not known which we are talking about this post and we will guide you how to use and what are uses of this. It contains about 486 calories per 100 grams.

Firstly we need to know about chia seeds like what is chia seeds and how to consume and what is benefits about using chia seeds.

Then now we are going to explain what is Chia Seeds and from where extracting this and where is exist.

What is Chia Seeds ?

Here we are going to talk about what is chia seeds actually Chia seeds are found in Mexico, the southwestern United States, and are cultivated in South America and also found in India.

It is called Sabja in Hindi and comes from the plant Salvia Hispanica which is found in central and southern Mexico. It is a superfood which is rich in many nutrients.

How to Consume Chia Seeds?

There are many ways to consume good seeds. To eat it, you can soak it in water, you can also eat it by roasting it, or you can clean it first, grind it well, i.e. clean it, after that make its powder and use it with curd or milk.

you can also use it in salad, soak it in water for some time, when it swells, then you can use it, and the best way to do it is to soak it in water and eat it by chewing it on an empty stomach in the morning.

Loaded of Fiber

If we talk about chia seeds, fiber is found in large quantities in them, due to which our digestive power is strengthened and we get relief from constipation.

Rich in Antioxidants

Chia seeds rich in antioxidants which help to our body to fight

What is benefits?

If we talk about chia seeds, then it is very good for our health. It detoxes our liver, detoxes all the dirt that is hidden in our digestive system, thus protecting us from serious diseases. It contains a lot of fiber, protein, potassium, manganese and all these elements. Zinc is also found in it which is very good for our health.

1. Relief from constipation

Chia seeds contain a lot of fiber. When we consume them after soaking them, the fiber content increases further, due to which the food moves forward easily in our intestines, which does not cause constipation.

2. Detox your Digestive System

Due to the fiber and its peel present in it, our digestive system gets cleaned thoroughly, due to which the dirt stuck in our liver and intestines gets cleaned, due to which our digestive organs get detoxed.

3. Controls blood sugar

Chia seeds help in improving the digestive system and also help in making our pancreas work properly. Because of which our sugar level automatically remains correct.

4. Strengthens Hair

Chia seeds are very beneficial for our hair because they contain zinc, which helps in the growth of our hair and also increases its shine.

5. Brightens the Skin.

Vitamin E is found in abundance in sweets, due to which it works to improve the complexion of our skin, especially it helps in making the skin complexion uniform, sometimes there are spots on our face or spots on our skin, which it helps in removing. Due to this, it makes our skin more shiny.

6. Makes the bones stronger.

Chia seeds contain a lot of nutrients that help strengthen our bones, especially magnesium, phosphorus and it also contains calcium, which helps in keeping our bones healthy and enables our muscles and nervous system to function properly.

7. Rich in Antioxidants

Chia seeds have a high amount of antioxidants which fight our free radicals, due to which our skin always glows and we also get rid of wrinkles because it protects the body cells from damage.

8. Beneficial for Heart Health

Omega 3 fatty acid is found in chia seeds, due to which it keeps our heart health very good, reduces cholesterol level because omega 3 fatty acid reduces bad cholesterol and triglyceride level and increases good cholesterol.

9. Helps in Weight Loss.

It is rich in fiber, Due to which our digestion remains good, we do not have constipation, our intestines are cleaned well and the digestive system is cleaned well, due to which our metabolism remains fast and our weight does not increase.


In this post, we talked about Chhaya seeds. First, we talked about what Chhaya seeds are and how can we take it and what are its benefits, which elements are found in them and the benefits that we have mentioned in their benefits, to get these benefits, you will have to read them carefully and wherever you like it and if you find something related to health, then you must do it, this is a very beneficial thing.


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